Friday, July 26, 2013

Ms-Office tools integration with Alfresco By using share point protocol

In this post we are going to discuss how the integration will happened between Alfresco share and Microsoft windows tools.

The Microsoft Office SharePoint Protocol Support offers Microsoft users greater choice by providing a fully-compatible SharePoint repository that allows the Microsoft Office Suite applications (for example, Word, PowerPoint, Excel) to interact with Alfresco as if it was SharePoint. This enables your users to leverage theAlfresco repository directly from Microsoft Office.
You can also use Microsoft Office SharePoint Protocol Support to enable online editing for Office documents within Alfresco Share. It enables your users to modify Office files without checking them in and out. Alfresco locks the file while it is being modified and releases the lock when the file is saved and closed.

Installing the SharePoint Protocol Support AMP:

  1. Browse to the Alfresco Enterprise download area.
  2. Download and expand the file.
  3. Shut down the Alfresco server.
  4. Move the alfresco-enterprise-spp-3.4.13.amp file to the amps directory.
This file holds the functionality for the SharePoint connector.
  1. Apply the SharePoint AMP to the alfresco.war file using the Module Management Tool (MMT).
Note:For Tomcat, alternatively, run the apply_amps command in the Alfresco\bin directory, which applies all the AMP files that are located in the ampsand amps_share directories.
  1. Start the Alfresco server.
  2. Verify that you have applied the SharePoint AMP by checking that you have the following directory:

Prerequisites for using SharePoint Protocol:

Refer to the update "Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306)" or the visit the following link for full details this software.

Configuring share point protocol to alfresco:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Add the following code in file.

     #Alfresco SharepointProtocol configuration







Configuring SharePoint Protocol for Online Editing:

The following issues are known for configuring the SharePoint Protocol for Online Editing
  • There is a known issue with Office 2003 and 2007 Office documents opening as read-only in Internet Explorer for all versions before Vista SP1.
Refer to the knowledge base article 870853 on the Microsoft website to enable the Online Editing functionality.
  • To use Online Editing on Windows 7, you must set BasicAuthLevel in the registry.
Basic authentication is disabled on Office 2010 by default. To enable it, create or edit the following registry
Open Run->regedit.
key:HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Internet: BasicAuthLevel=2.
Alternatively, use Pass-through or Kerberos authentication.
Note:It is important to set the andvti.server.external.port properties in the alfresco-global.propertiesfile to the externally resolvable host and port name that SharePoint clients will communicate with. These properties default to the host machine's local name and port 7070, respectively. These values are used by Share to generate the Edit Online link, which opens the document using the SharePoint module.


Now open the any tool of windows

Save this in your local PC.

Follow these steps
Go to: File->publish->create document workspace.

It will pop- ups new window
You need to enter the documentworkspace name and url of share point protocol installed in alfresco Repo

Click on create.
Its open pop up for credentials of alfresco to login and to create document workspace.

We can see the details of the document workspace and we can make operations from MS-office tools like Creating new workspace, uploading new documents and sending invitations to others(alfresco users),etc..
Created work space in alfresco repo:

Opening document which is there in alfresco repo from windows tools
Open ms-office
Go to : file->open
Enter the url of SharePoint of alfresco repo in filename.

Then open
Its open one popup for alfresco credentials.
Enter the credentials 
And ok it will open all the document work spaces of alfresco repo.
you can select required folder and you can open it.

Vikram Vanama

Creating Custom Workflow in Alfresco

Hi Every One,

          In this post, i am going to discuss what is workflow and how to create our own custom workflow in alfresco share

workflow consists of a sequence of connected steps where each step follows without delay or gap and ends just before the subsequent step may begin. It is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person or group, an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms. Workflow may be seen as any abstraction of real work. For control purposes, workflow may be a view of real work in a chosen aspect, thus serving as a virtual representation of actual work. The flow being described may refer to a document or product that is being transferred from one step to another.
Workflows may be viewed as one primitive building block to be combined with other parts of an organisation's structure such as information silos, teams, projects, policies and hierarchies.

In simple words flow where to go what and accepts and rejects, if accept it has to go some person ,rejects some other. these things will be there in workflow.

Adding new workflow in Alfresco: 
For this you need to add some XML files and edit some XML files.

Files to be added
1)BidFlow.bpmn20.xml( file name can be any thing but extension has to be .bpmn20.xml)
2)CustomModel.xml (file name can be any thing but extension has to be .xml)

Files to edit